Everything has been created according to a formula that describes timely and balanced interaction of various components. Whether they are chemical interactions inside the cell, complex genetic codes in the DNA, balanced levels of quantum energy of the subatomic particles, an ecological balance of the organisms and their needs in the environment, balanced kinetic and gravitational forces shaping the orbits of celestial objects, or balanced composition of the corporeal and spiritual forces in humans, they all follow precise computational formulae. Without fulfilling these formulae, nothing would function constructively and natural phenomena cannot be maintained. Due to its inherent precision, mathematics is the best tool for describing and appreciating the sense of precision in the functionality of natural systems. Associated with such functional description comes the realization of the divine actions driving these systems. Demonstrating the various attributes of divine actions in a scientific, computational context is the aim of IICR.
The vision of IICR falls into the overarching goal of the movement of Islamization. Generally, Islamization aims at removing the superficial barriers between religion and practical life. The research for Islamization has been initiated decades ago (in the second half of the 20th century) by a group of Muslim philosophers, establishing the philosophical foundation for running life according to the Islamic code. In IICR, we feel that the maturity of such philosophical work calls for materializing its concepts and developing practical products that bring concepts into life. We chose computation as our approach for linking scientific investigation to religious concepts. Realizing the critical impact of education, IICR focuses on developing educational solutions that places science within the purposeful framework of religion.
We define computing in a broad sense (beyond mathematical operations) to include all operations that deal with identifiable patterns, tangible and intangible. Productive computing must be founded on a robust framework of reasoning, free from logical fallacies and unfounded assumptions. We ponder the coherence and consistency of the philosophical foundations of our platforms, and hence the term “Contemplate” after every “Compute” operation we conduct. Our projects develop along different themes of computing. SKIL is an automated knowledge-base of Islamic law with remarkable correlative and deduction capabilities. QAIS provides an aptitude assessment for candidates of Islamic studies that measures their general capabilities and predicts the field they are more likely to excel at. The Islamic Philosophy of Physics (IPP) develops an interpretation framework of physical findings based on the Islamic world view, which is meant to keep the balance between empirical and deductive pieces of evidence. For more information, see our Projects.